Elle Russ chats with Gina Swire – a self-love mentor and manifesting queen on a global mission to help a billion women fall madly in love with themselves. After struggling with her own self-worth and image issues, Gina quit her career as a plus-sized model at the height of her fame in order to embark on her own journey of transformation.
Elle Russ chats with Tyler Cartwright – 15 years ago, Tyler was nearly dead. He weighed a quarter of a ton, he was falling asleep while driving, while talking, and while working. He was eating 12,000 Calories per day chasing blood glucose spikes and crashes just to stay awake. His A1c was in excess of 13, and he was nearer to death each day. A series of events over time and his own desire to improve brought him face-to-face with the gravity of this situation and he began to fight for his well-being for the first time in nearly two decades. He shed 300 pounds of excess body weight and has maintained the loss for over three years. His A1c, BG, and all markers of metabolic health have returned.
Host Brad Kearns talks about the all-important topic of testosterone optimization—preserving health, vitality, focus, and motivation as we age. This is part two of the MOFO Mission discussion, so be sure to listen to part one where five lifestyle assignments were covered in detail and five more follow in this show. Details at BradKearns.com/MOFO.
Elle Russ chats with Lisa Easton – she spent over 10 years as an entrepreneur, helping others grow businesses, and mentoring women from all kinds of backgrounds and experiences. In 2020 She launched the Millionaire Morning Mama community in order to teach women how to reprogram their subconscious mind to attract life changing abundance and master their financial outcomes in just 30 days! With her background in business ownership, financial freedom and mentorship, MMM creates a combination of her expertise and experiences for women all over to benefit from.
Host Brad Kearns talks about the all-important topic of testosterone optimization—preserving health, vitality, focus, and motivation as we age. Male hormone status is a slippery slope because when you start to accumulate a bit of a spare tire, testosterone can decline at an accelerated rate. This begets the accumulation of more spare tire, and more decline in testosterone. It’s time to fight the battle against accelerated aging! Accordingly, Brad has created the “MOFO Mission,” (more at BradKearns.com) a series of 10 assignments designed to cover all aspects of healthy living to be the best you can be. This show covers the first five assignments, so get ready to take simple, sustainable action toward naturally boosting your internal testosterone production. Here are the first five assignments: Prioritize sleep, Clean up your act (mostly food, but also other stuff), Eat ancestral foods, consider supplementation to replenish cellular energy, and move frequently at a slow pace. Part 2 will recover five additional assignments that will rock your world.
Elle Russ chats with behavioral scientist turned dating coach Logan Ury – also the author of the new book, How to Not Die Alone. As the Director of Relationship Science at the dating app Hinge, Logan leads a research team dedicated to helping people find love. After studying psychology at Harvard, she ran Google’s behavioral science team—the Irrational Lab. She was a 2018 TED Resident and is a featured speaker at SXSW 2021. Logan lives in the Bay Area with her husband, Scott.
CREATE THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS – WITH EASE! Elle Russ chats with Marc Allen – a renowned author, composer, and speaker. On the day he turned thirty, Marc cofounded New World Library with Shakti Gawain, and as the company’s president and publisher, he has guided it from a small start-up operation with no capital to become one of the leading publishers in its field – including publishing the works of Eckhart Tolle, SETH books, and many more extraordinary titles that change lives. He has written numerous books, including The Greatest Secret of All, Visionary Business, The Millionaire Course, and The Type-Z Guide to Success. He has also recorded several albums of music, including Awakening, Breathe, and Solo Flight. He is a popular speaker and seminar leader based in the San Francisco Bay Area. For more about Marc, including his free monthly teleseminars, see MarcAllen.com, and for his catalog as a publisher visit NewWorldLibrary.com
Host Brad Kearns discusses what could be the fitness breakthrough of the century: Micro-workouts! These are brief bursts of explosive effort that you can sprinkle into your daily routine. Examples include a set of deep squats right there at your work desk, a single set of pull-ups as you pass under the closet door, a sprint up two flights of stairs in the office building, pulling Stretch Cordz or TRX bands for a couple quick sets, and so on. The benefits of micro-workouts are numerous. First, they are accessible to anyone no matter how busy your daily routine is. Second, the cumulative fitness benefits over time are phenomenal – you launch your formal workouts from a much high platform. Third, these workouts are brief enough that you don’t risk the common problem of overly stressful workout patterns that lead to breakdown, burnout, illness, and injury.
Perhaps most beneficial is how these little forays help break up prolonged periods of stillness that are so common in modern life and have now been identified as a huge health hazard. A minute or two of effort gets the blood and oxygen circulating throughout the body to enhance fat burning and cognitive function when you return to your screen. Perhaps the best way to get started with micro-workouts is to design a brief sequence of movements to execute first thing in the morning? Watch Brad’s YouTube video, “Dynamic Stretching Routine To Start Your Day” for some ideas. Create a sequence that’s simple and brief enough that you can commit to it every single day and mold it into a habit.
Elle Russ chats with Alex Terranova, PCC, ACCC, CHC – a certified professional/personal performance coach, and the host of the Dream Mason Podcast. He works with strong and successful leaders, rebellious innovators, and powerful teams who are ready to boldly declare what they want, get real about what’s in the way, and create the strategies and steps to generate more authenticity, clarity, freedom, and success. Through his 1-1coaching, online courses, workshops and his book, Fictional Authenticity, he has helped clients double their incomes in under 90 days, save marriages, get published, scale their companies from six to seven figures, buy dream homes, launch companies, and build successful teams. To learn more visit www.TheDreamMason.com
Host Brad Kearns covers some interesting topics with great takeaways that can help you with all aspects of healthy living and critical thinking about the ancestral health hot topics of the day.
You hear about: carnivore and carnivore-ish dietary questions; the benefits of continuous glucose monitoring and whether it’s necessary if you feel healthy and energetic; the effect of prescription medication on fitness goals and MAF heart rate calculations; should you eat even if you’re not hungry; the potential for plant foods to cause gut distress and how to perform a dietary restriction test to determine your level of plant sensitivity; and why is LeBron James still eating egg whites? Enjoy the show and please email your feedback and questions for future shows to podcast@bradventures.com