Elle Russ chats with Dr. Stephen Cabral – author of The Rain Barrel Effect. He developed his passion for health and wellness after going through severe health complications at the age of 17. He saw over 50 different doctors, tried over 100 different treatment protocols, but still saw no hope of recovery. It wasn’t until he met his “alternative“ health doctor who explained to him how he got here and how he could become well again, that he began his recovery process. It was at this young age that he knew his life would be dedicated to helping others rebound their bodies and renew their health. After almost 20 years and over 600,000 pages of research study completed, dozens of certifications in the natural health field, over 250 health and fitness client sessions, and a doctoral degree in Naturopathy – Dr. Cabral‘s knowledge, experience, and passion are at the top of his field. Dr. Cabral also has his own podcast Called The Cabral Concept. To learn more visit StephenCabral.com
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