Episode 128: Cassie Parks

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Description: Host Elle Russ chats with Cassie Parks, a Lifestyle Design Strategist who loves the ocean, dancing for no reason, and celebrating with champagne. What she loves most of all is living a life a she loves. Cassie is a best-selling author, international speaker and coach whose passion is leading others to live the life they have been dreaming about. Her latest book, Manifest $10,000 is available on Amazon.com.

Cassie is the creator of the Manifest $10k course which has helped thousands of people manifest more money into their lives. You can join the course at manifest10k.com and learn more about working with Cassie at liveyourchampagnelife.com.

Show Notes:

  • What is a lifestyle coach? What is the Law of Attraction? [00:01:50]
  • What happens when you tell stories about yourself? [00:03:18]
  • When telling a story about ourselves, do we have to tell the bad part, too? [00:04:46]
  • What happens when you repeat a story about yourself? Does it help you recover from a bad experience? [00:06:40]
  • What happens when you try to spread your positive energy to others? [00:10:33]
  • How does one start monitoring their thoughts and help make a change? [00:13:38]
  • People look to external things to make things happen rather than looking inside. [00:18:29]
  • Worrying is a waste of your imagination. [00:21:10]
  • What are limiting beliefs and how does one get beyond those to get what you want? [00:24:32]
  • What are some of the things one can do to visualize and then attain what you want? [00:30:35]
  • How do people in your course get connected to each other? [00:39:38]
  • How do affirmations work?  [00:43:54]
  • What is the story about manifesting $10,000? What is believability? [00:50:39]
  • What are some of the success stories Cassie has experienced? [00:55:06]
  • What is scripting in your program? [01:02:35]
  • What we choose to believe is how we interact with the world.

Selected Links:
Live Your Champagne Life
Manifest $10,000

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One thought on “Episode 128: Cassie Parks

  1. Alex Burrow

    This was an interesting podcast. These two participants use the speech “filler” , “like”,way too much in there conversation. Reminds me of my teenage daughter and her friends talking.


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