Elle Russ chats with Steven Gundry, M.D. about his new book The Longevity Paradox. During his 40-year medical career he performed over 10,000 heart surgeries and developed patented, life-saving medical technology. After discovering key secrets to health 15 years ago, his mission is to prevent surgery by helping patients heal themselves through proper nutrition. His best-selling book from 2008, Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution,focused on specific diet principles for weight-loss and disease reversal. His second book, The Plant Paradox, further illuminates truths about hidden dangers of supposed “healthy” foods.
Dr. Gundry founded Gundry MD in 2016—a wellness blog, YouTube channel and supplement company to achieve optimum vitality. He practices medicine at the International Heart & Lung Institute and Center for Restorative Medicine in Palm Springs and Santa Barbara, CA.
Elle Russ chats with Jeffrey M. Smith – the leading consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices. For more than two decades, his research has exposed how biotech companies mislead policy makers and the public, and put the health of society and environment at risk. In 2018, he and Amy Hart released Secret Ingredients, a documentary that highlights numerous individuals and families that healed from serious conditions after switching to an organic diet.
Jeffrey is the founding executive director of The Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), a leading source of GMO health risk information for consumers, policy makers, and healthcare professionals. Mr. Smith resides in California, as well as Iowa, surrounded by genetically modified soybeans and corn.
Description: Host Brad Kearns and Dr. Lindsay finally capture some of the magic that happens during their random off-mic conversations. Yep, Brad pushed the record button and Lindsay immediately throws out some profound philosophical and psychological questions to ponder. Is body composition a worthwhile goal, or are we placing too much importance on how we look instead of how we feel? The intuitive eating/body positivity movement has tremendous merit, but do we engage in too many rationalizations and self-defeating behaviors as life gets easier and easier?
Striving for balance is important, but what if you really want the six-pack? Is it you that wants it, or is it society telling you to want it? It’s undisputable that it’s better to be in control of your destiny than to succumb to manipulative social media programming, and excess body fat is often a symptom of lifestyle flaws that are compromising your happiness, health, fitness, and longevity. Its important to reach some basic fitness and health standards to avoid the pain and suffering of aging. These are other topics will hit you hard and really get you thinking about your goals and priorities. Lindsay says, “Maybe the best goal is to care about how you feel, instead of how you look.”
Elle Russ chats with Dr. Loren Cordain – the world’s foremost authority on the evolutionary basis of diet and disease. Featured on Dateline NBC, the front page of the Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times, Dr. Loren Cordain is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s leading experts on the natural human diet of our Stone Age ancestors. He is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed scientific articles and abstracts, and his research into the health benefits of Stone Age Diets for contemporary people has appeared in the world’s top scientific journals including the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the British Journal of Nutrition, and the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, among others. He is also on the Advisory Board of Paleo Magazine the first, and only, print magazine dedicated to the Paleo/Primal lifestyle and ancestral health.
Dr. Loren Cordain’s popular book, The Paleo Diet, has been widely acclaimed in both the scientific and lay communities. His next book, The Paleo Diet for Athletes, published in October 2005, discusses how the Paleo Diet can be modified for the high performance endurance athlete and lead to improved health and performance. His next book, The Dietary Cure for Acne, is available in paperback and as an instant download ebook. The Paleo Diet Cookbook was published in 2010 and became an instant bestseller. His most recent book, The Paleo Answer,represents a sequel to The Revised Paleo Diet.
Dr. Loren Cordain received his Ph.D. in Health from the University of Utah, his master’s in physical education from the University of Nevada-Reno, and his bachelor’s in health sciences from Pacific University. He was a professor in the Department of Health and Exercise Science at Colorado State University from 1982 – 2013.
Description: Host Brad Kearns gets personal discussing his varying commitment to keto and how loosening the pursestrings here and there can become a slippery slope. When you relax standards like limiting food intake to a compressed eating window, or allowing occasional indulgences for non-keto foods like popcorn, will power and decision fatigue enter back into the mix. Framingham Study data indicates that the lifestyle behaviors of your “clusters,” the people who spend the most time with, is contagious up to three degrees. Obesity is contagious, as is maintaining a healthy body composition. Keto is contagious to your friend, as well as your friend’s friend! This impresses the importance of accountability and group support to pursue goals together.
Elle Russ chats with Maria Emmerich – a nutritionist who specializes in the ketogenic diet and exercise physiology. She struggled with her health and weight throughout childhood which lead her to become such a passionate nutrition expert. “My goal is to help transform people’s lives and start living again!” Maria specializes in brain neurotransmitters and how food can increase mental wellness. Her expertise has sent her around the World speaking about ketogenic diets.
Description: Host Brad Kearns give a sneak preview of the new book Mark Sisson and he are working on called Keto Longevity. It’s critical to implement the correct approach to keto, because an ill-prepared approach will simply activate the fight or flight response and eventually lead to big time burnout. Some common mistakes people make are rushing into keto without sufficient fat burning ability, insufficient intake of sodium and other minerals and electrolytes, doing excess exercise while undergoing a major dietary transformation, or coming to the game with pre-existing health issues such as leaky gut, thyroid dysfunction, adrenal fatigue, or metabolic damage from yo-yo dieting. This show will really set you up well for a sensible approach and a healthy philosophy toward keto. A few Q&A questions cap off the show, like is keto good for kids, and how to break through weight loss plateaus.
Elle Russ chats with Dr. Anna Cabeca (DO, OBGYN, FACOG) about her new book The Hormone Fix: Burn Fat Naturally, Boost Energy, Sleep Better, and Stop Hot Flashes, the Keto-Green Way. Dr. Cabeca is an Emory University trained gynecologist and woman’s health expert was diagnosed with early menopause at age 38 years old. Devastated, she went around the world looking for answers and and found them. A menopause and hormone expert. Dr. Cabeca has changed the lives of women across the globe, connecting to others through humor, honesty and passion.
Description: Host Brad Kearns talks about carbs and keto, clearing up some misconceptions and focusing in on an assortment of food categories to help you strategize and stay aligned with ketogenic eating guidelines. First, we must recognize that keto is best promoted by fasting/starvation—this is our genetically programmed response. Keto is not about stuffing your face with fat throughout the day. When it comes to carbs, we can enjoy abundant vegetable intake, emphasizing above-ground, leafy green veggies and cruciferous vegetables. And while colorful fruits and starchy tuber vegetables have many nutritional benefits, we want to sideline these when doing strict keto stints.