Episode #184: Mark Sisson & Elle Russ

Description: Mark Sisson chats with Elle Russ about her book The Paleo Thyroid Solution. Elle gives some recent updates on her personal thyroid healing journey. The Paleo Thyroid Solution dispels outdated, conventional thyroid wisdom still practiced by uninformed doctors, and provides the in-depth guidance necessary to solve hypothyroidism, achieve vibrant health, and optimize thyroid fat-burning hormone metabolism. Over 200 million people worldwide and over 25 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease, but 60% are undiagnosed and unaware of their condition. Undiagnosed or mistreated hypothyroidism can put people at risk for serious conditions, such as: depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, gynecological issues (infertility/miscarriages/fibroids/PCOS etc.), hormonal imbalances, adrenal fatigue, anemia, and other diseases. The Paleo Thyroid Solution provides the only lifestyle and weight loss plan specifically targeted for maximizing thyroid hormone metabolism in harmony with paleo/primal/ancestral health principles.

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Episode #183: Elizabeth Baldwin-Lodge

Description:  Elle Russ chats with Elizabeth Baldwin-Lodge about her new book, Simple Suggestions to Nourish the Mind, Body, and Spirit – a guide to help readers feel happy every day. Baldwin-Lodge offers insights into nourishing knowledge and inspiration, and provides activities to enhance thought and feelings of joy. Baldwin-Lodge was inspired to write the book after two failed celebrity marriages. She explains, “The first marriage was to one of the famous Baldwin brothers and the second marriage was to one of the sons of, the famous rock and roll band, The Moody Blues.” While seemingly having everything, Baldwin-Lodge felt a void in her life. It was not until she found happiness within herself, by changing her thoughts through the art of simple suggestion, that she understood the process that happiness comes from. In the book, Baldwin-Lodge shares the tools she used to help guide herself toward a feeling of well-being when she was trapped in negative thought patterns.

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Episode #182: Ben Greenfield

Description: Elle Russ chats with Ben Greenfield – a biohacker, human body and brain performance coach, ex-bodybuilder, Ironman triathlete, professional Spartan athlete, anti-aging consultant, speaker and author of the New York Times Bestseller Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance, Health and Life and creator of the Christian Gratitude Journal. In 2008, Ben was voted as NSCA’s Personal Trainer of the year, in 2013 and 2014 was named by Greatist as one of the top 100 Most Influential People In Health And Fitness, and Ben’s articles, podcast and videos reach over a million unique views each month. 

Selected Links:
Ben Greenfield Website
Christian Gratitude Journal

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Episode #181: Brad Kearns & Elle Russ Part II

Description: Elle Russ chats with Primal Endurance Podcast host Brad Kearns for the second part of the Primal Endurance Online Mastery course discussion about how Primal-style eating integrates into endurance training goals. Becoming fat adapted through dietary transformation can actually make you a faster endurance athlete, by improving your ability to burn stored fat for energy. Eating a high carbohydrate diet and training in chronic patterns can make you overstressed, inflamed, and carrying excess body fat despite devoted attention to training. What’s more, the traditional “struggle and suffer” approach to endurance training can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease! Even if you are walking around as a fit and ripped specimen, bad things happen inside your body when you are in the carbohydrate dependency training paradigm. Slow down your cardio workouts, ditch grains, sugars, and refined vegetable oils. All these topics and more are carefully organized in the Primal Endurance online course to give you the most comprehensive education on endurance training ever created. Check it all out at primalendurance.fit (including the introductory discount and special bonus offer).

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Episode #180: Brad Kearns & Elle Russ Part I

Description: Primal Blueprint Podcast hostess Elle Russ joins Primal Endurance Podcast host Brad Kearns in Malibu to discuss the release of the long-awaited Primal Endurance Online Mastery Course. This ambitious project is a comprehensive multimedia educational experience that essentially brings the book Primal Endurance to life through videos, eBooks and audio presentations. In this part 1 podcast, Brad and Elle discuss the importance of slowing down to develop an aerobic base and avoiding overstress patterns; the importance of an intuitive approach, instead of a robotic, regimented approach; and how an evolved and pure approach to endurance goals can carry over into peak performance and happiness in all other areas of life. Brad’s online course features over 120 videos covering every aspect of the book content as well as in-depth interviews with many of the world’s leading endurance athletes, coaches, and scientific and medical experts. All these topics and more are carefully organized in the Primal Endurance online course to give you the most comprehensive education on endurance training ever created. Check it all out at primalendurance.fit (including the introductory discount and special bonus offer).

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Episode #179: Thor Conklin

Description: Thor Conklin is an Entrepreneur, Profitability Consultant and host of his daily podcast, Peak Performers Podcast. 2017 marks his 17th year as an entrepreneur.  The first company Thor created was a global risk management consulting firm that served the private equity community.  His top 15 clients had a combined revenue of $12.7 billion USD and operated in over 100 countries worldwide. Thor has started, bought and sold several multi-million dollar businesses making him a sought after, cross-industrial resource for entrepreneurs and executives in all stages of business. Thor lives a Paleo lifestyle and believes acheiving optimum health is a critical co-factor in business success and becoming a Peak Performer.

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Episode #178: Aarn Farmer

Description: Aarn Farmer has been a frugal blogger for over seven years at GroceryShopforFREE.com and GroceryShopforFREEatTheMart.com. At 40 years old he was over 400 lbs, had a blood pressure of 200/160 and was diagnosed with Metabolic Syndrome. His wife was also more than 100 lbs overweight and had Type II Diabetes. As he looked for a way to get his health under control, he found out that weight loss was primarily controlled by hormones and not calorie restriction as he previously thought.  After more than two years of a low carb diet, followed by a ketogenic diet, Aarn has lost over 175 lbs, dramatically lowered his blood pressure, and no longer has Metabolic Syndrome. His wife has also lost over 100 lbs and no longer has Type II Diabetes.

Aarn shares his story at MySugarFreeJourney.com where he blogs about how insulin is the main hormone responsible for weight gain and teaches how to eat a healthy diet while being frugal.

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Episode #177: Dr. Loretta Breuning

Description: Elle Russ chats with Loretta Breuning, PhD, founder of the Inner Mammal Institute, which helps people manage the brain chemicals we’ve inherited from our earliest ancestors. She’s author of Habits of a Happy Brain: Retrain Your Brain to Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin and Endorphin Levels, and The Science of Positivity: Stop Negative Thought Patterns By Changing Your Brain Chemistry.  She’s Professor Emerita of Management at California State University, East Bay – and the mother of tax-paying adults.

Selected Links:
Inner Mammal Institute
Habits of a Happy Brain
The Science of Positivity

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Episode #176: Mark Sisson & Derek Flanzraich

Description: Mark Sisson chats with Derek Flanzraich—an entrepreneur on a mission to give everyone a “healthyish” attitude. He is the CEO & Founder of Greatist, a next-generation media startup working to make healthy living cool and build a truly trusted consumer-facing healthy living brand. Greatist reaches more than 10 million unique visitors per month. Flanzraich was previously with Clicker.com (acquired by CBS) and NBC Universal’s Digital Entertainment Strategy & Operations, graduated from Harvard, and has been building brands and organizations that last since his dog-walking business at 10 years old. Besides everything health and wellness, he also loves theme parks and theme bars.

Selected Links:

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Episode #175: Cassie Parks

Description: Cassie Parks loves the ocean, dancing for no reason and the power of possibly. Her best-selling books include the topics of money, business and lifestyle design. She is a mentor for those who want to turn their wildest dreams into their dreams come true.  She is the host of the podcast Happy Ever After and the co-host of the Manifest it Now show.  Other highlights include speaking at TAI talks and being a real estate investor who retired at 32. She is the creator of the Money Money Money Course and the Double Your Business Workshop. Her forthcoming magazine is called Possible. Cassie loves to travel, being with those she loves and laughing a lot.

Selected Links:
Cassie Parks Website
Money Money Money Course
Live Your Champagne Life
Choose Me
Manifest It Now Podcast

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