Yearly Archives: 2014

Episode #8: Listener Questions & Answers with Mark Sisson


Description: Mark Sisson takes questions from the audience relating to enjoying grains with no ill effects; effective decision making with your workouts to avoid getting sick or overtrained; how to motivate and inspire family and friends to go primal without turning them off; the best uses of Primal Calm and the beneficial effects of phosphatidylserine (including an extensive discussion on the importance of managing the fight or flight response and preventing chronically elevated cortisol levels); and how to deal with a tendency to get sugar cravings in the evening.

If you have questions for Mark Sisson, please email us here or click the button below to record your question with SpeakPipe!

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Episode #7: Primal Blueprint Fitness with Mark Sisson


Description: In this podcast, Mark Sisson addresses the common theme of devoted fitness enthusiasts who tend to exercise in a chronic pattern, and suffer from declines in health and fitness accordingly. Sisson discusses how to transition out of a chronic pattern and into a sweet spot where your fitness efforts are sufficient to support outstanding fitness, peak performance efforts, and safe, diverse, injury-free play efforts, but not too extreme or excessive where you might compromise your health.

Included in this discussion are the potential pitfalls of pursuing the endorphin high to excess, the importance of cultivating an intuitive approach to workout planning rather than a robotic approach, and the importance of each of the three Primal Blueprint fitness laws: Move frequently at a slow pace, Lift heavy things, and Sprint once in a while.

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Episode #6: The Reality of Calories In, Calories Out with Mark Sisson


Description: In this podcast, Mark Sisson explains how appetite supersedes the oversimplified equation of calories in = calories out, and how optimizing hormones and gene expression is the true path to effortless lifelong weight management. Mark discusses how moderating insulin production is the key to lifelong weight control, for it unlocks the potential to minimize reliance on ingested calories in favor of burning stored body fat and ketones for energy. Optimizing insulin also regulates appetite hormones such as leptin and ghrelin, and enables you to obtain the fat reduction and cellular repair benefits associated with Intermittent Fasting.

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Episode #5: Supplementation with Mark Sisson


Description: In this podcast, Mark Sisson discusses the rationale for why supplementation can be considered in pursuit of a healthy Primal lifestyle. Starting with the question of whether we need to supplement or not and how it aligns with the primal/paleo dietary philosophy, Sisson explains that the influences of hectic modern life and the limitations of modern dietary options might call for use of certain dietary supplements in a strategic manner. For example, taking vitamin D in the wintertime when sun exposure is unavailable. Sisson covers various popular categories of supplements, the reasons to use them, and how to select for high quality products. The categories of supplements discussed are vitamin D, omega-3 fish oil, multivitamins, antioxidants, probiotics, and high protein meal replacements.

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Episode #4: The 10 Laws with Mark Sisson


Description: Mark Sisson presents the compelling premise that you can reprogram your genes in the direction of weight loss, health, and longevity by following 10 immutable “Primal” laws validated by two million years of human evolution.

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Episode #3: Intermittent Fasting with Mark Sisson


Description: In this podcast, Mark Sisson discusses his strategy of eating in a compressed time window of typically 1pm-7pm each day, and various other methods of Intermittent Fasting. He details the various strategies for post-workout recovery, comparing the carb paradigm strategy of immediate refueling with the Primal strategy of optimizing hormonal benefits by fasting until hunger ensues after intense workouts.

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Episode #2: The 80/20 Rule with Mark Sisson


Description: In this podcast, Mark Sisson discusses the popular Primal Blueprint concept of the 80/20 rule, which is often misinterpreted and manipulated to compromise dietary quality. Sisson explains that the spirit of the 80/20 rule is to strive for 100% compliance with Primal guidelines and maximum nutritional value of your diet, but to accept the imperfections and limitations of your food choices. The common excuse of having difficulty finding quality meals away from home is countered by Sisson’s strategy of practicing Intermittent Fasting when healthy options are not available. Sisson also mentions the flip side of being too obsessed with Primal perfection, and experiencing increased stress from an overly rigid approach. He also talks about society’s distorted perception of ideal body composition, urging you to focus on your own personal peak performance potential and enjoyment of life, instead of struggling to adhere to the sensationalized standards of models and elite fitness specimens.

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