Episode #253: Karen Martel

Elle Russ chats with Karen Martel – a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and weight loss expert.  After struggling with her own health issues, Karen was determined to bring he knowledge to others with a bold new approach to women’s health and weight management.  Karen’s passion lies in helping women break through weight loss resistance and find their personal weight loss code through nutrition, digestive health, hormone optimization, and managing stress.  Karen is the founder of the On Track meal planning and group coaching program and host of the On Track video podcast on YouTube.  

Elle Russ and Karen Martel have teamed up as co-hosts for a FREE online event called The Women’s Empowerment Project:  RISE UP & KICK ASS! Sign up for FREE at www.RiseUpKickAss.com and join them for a month-long online Video interview summit from June 17th 2018 through July 7th 2018.  You will get access to inspiring video interviews with incredible guest speakers,Topics include Happiness, Law Of Attraction, Health, Sexuality, Money, and more!  Our mission is to inspire women to go within and change their lives for the better in order to be the most confident and happy version they can be 🙂

YouTube Video Podcast Link: 


Selected Links – Connect with Karen Martel: 
Karen’s Wesbite
On Track Podcast

Connect with Show Host Elle Russ:
The Paleo Thyroid Solution
***FREE Online Women’s Empowerment Summit!


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