Category Archives: Stress

Episode 155: Dr. Gary Foresman – Breast Health Part III

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Description: Elle Russ chats with Dr. Gary Foresman about breast health, breast cancer prevention and a variety topics surrounding breast health (This episode is part 3 of 3 podcasts dedicated to this topic). When Dr. Foresman opened a private practice, he quickly became dissatisfied with the inability of established Western medical treatments to effectively treat many of his patients—many of which suffered from thyroid disorders. Determined to help his patients, he began investigating alternative therapies and has since expanded his training in many systems of healing—not just through Ayurveda, meditation, and stress management, but also using botanical, orthomolecular and functional medicine systems. His precise, scientific mind, combined with a holistic integrative perspective, makes him not only an exceptional diagnostician, but also a skilled practitioner who can therapeutically synthesize optimal healing modalities for each individual.  In-depth commentary by Dr. Foresman in the new #1 bestseller The Paleo Thyroid Solution.

Selected Links:
Dr. Foresman’s Website

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Episode 152: Dr. Cate Shanahan, Part II

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Description: Brad Kearns welcomes back one of the most popular guests from the old days! Dr. Cate has been hard at work preparing the launch of her revised and updated bestseller Deep Nutrition, originally published in 2008 and relaunching a 512-page masterpiece in 2017. Cate gives you the straight scoop on her favorite topics, particularly the disastrous misinformation about dietary fats that has been entrenched in conventional wisdom for decades. Cate details why “natural fats” are so critical to human health, and how refined high polyunsaturated vegetable oils are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of premature deaths annually. They disrupt normal cellular function immediately upon ingestion, increase oxidative stress throughout the body, and damage brain function in particular; this is the #1 disease catalyst in modern life, an underlying factor in every chronic disease study.

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Episode 151: Dr. Cate Shanahan, Part I

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Description: Brad Kearns welcomes back one of the most popular guests from the old days! Dr. Cate has been hard at work preparing the launch of her revised and updated bestseller Deep Nutrition, originally published in 2008 and relaunching a 512-page masterpiece in 2017. Cate gives you the straight scoop on her favorite topics, particularly the disastrous misinformation about dietary fats that has been entrenched in conventional wisdom for decades. Cate details why “natural fats” are so critical to human health, and how refined high polyunsaturated vegetable oils are directly responsible for hundreds of thousands of premature deaths annually. They disrupt normal cellular function immediately upon ingestion, increase oxidative stress throughout the body, and damage brain function in particular; this is the #1 disease catalyst in modern life, an underlying factor in every chronic disease study.

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Episode 144: Matt & Keris Whitmore

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Description: Host Brad Kearns connects across the globe with the dynamic duo of Matt Whitmore and Keris Marsden, co-authors of Paleo Primer: A Second Helping—the long-awaited sequel to their bestselling Paleo Primer: A Jump-Start Guide to Losing Body Fat and Living Primally.

Matt and Keris cover an incredible range of topics, revealing of their broad expertise and personal passions for fitness, holistic health and nutrition, and cooking. Listen and enjoy topics like: Ketogenic eating and athletic training; how hot weather exercise can hamper gut health, and how you can rebuild gut health; doing health assessments with clients; how your skin reveals much about your health and immune function; how over-stress can present as heart palpitations and racing mind in the nighttime; how fungal infections and low testosterone are related in males; and a four-week elimination diet with an add-back favorite foods strategy. Yes, this dynamic duo can hold on just about anything, so enjoy this lively and informative show.

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Episode 140: Dr. Gary E. Foresman, MD, Breast Health Part I

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Description: Elle Russ chats with integrative physician, Dr. Gary E. Foresman, MD, about breast health (this episode will be Breast Health, Part I, focusing on general breast health. Breast Health, Part II will delve deeper into diagnosis and treatment, and Breast Health, Part III, will tackle conventional and integrative treatment options). Dr. Foresman is not only a Primal doctor well-versed in all things paleo/primal, but an informed integrative physician whom Elle chose to interview for her book, The Paleo Thyroid Solution.

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Episode 137: Brant Cortright

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Description: Host Elle Russ talks with Brant Cortright, Ph.D, a clinical psychologist and authore of the #1 international Amazon bestseller, The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle: Upgrade Your Brain, Upgrade Your Life. He is a Professor of psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. He is also a licensed clinical psychologist with a private practice in neuroscience-informed depth psychotherapy as well as a coaching practice focused on brain health, anxiety and depression. He is the author of two previous books, Psychotherapy and Spirit and Integral Psychology: Yoga, Growth and Opening the Heart.

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Episode 135: Ann Green

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Description: Ann Green is the founder and director of BLiSS Ann Green Yoga, a waterfront wellness studio in Barrie, ON, and the owner of SHiNE OM Yoga Teacher Education. Ann has over 25 years of movement expertise cross pollinating athletics, yoga, manual body care and pain management and holds a Masters in Exercise Science, a Bachelor of Education, a Bachelor of Psychology and Physical and Health Education and 500 E-RYT.

Ann can always be found out in nature or on the water, doing SUP Yoga. Ann is licensee of Surfset Fitness Canada, a licensee and Director of Surfset Yoga, and also runs Canada’s first float yoga studio.

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Episode 133: Eileen Laird

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Description: Eileen Laird is a writer, podcast host, and autoimmune warrior, who is reversing rheumatoid arthritis through the Paleo diet and lifestyle. She’s the author of the book, A Simple Guide to the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol. Her popular blog, Phoenix Helix, receives 1 million unique visitors annually. There, she features recipes, research and personal stories about the autoimmune experience. She also writes Autoimmune Answers, a regular column in in PaleoMagazine, and is the host of the Phoenix Helix Podcast, the only paleo podcast focused 100% on autoimmune healing.

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Episode 131: Dr. Gary E. Foresman, MD

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Description: Hashimoto’s disease, hypothyroidism, and Reverse T3 hypothyroidism are on the rise. Yet too many doctors are uninformed on how to diagnose and treat the various nuances behind thyroid disorders—leaving millions of patients un-diagnosed or hypothyroid and symptomatic, despite being on thyroid hormone replacement.  Dr. Gary E. Foresman, MD, is not only a Primal doctor well-versed in all things paleo/primal, but an informed integrative physician who Elle Russ chose to interview for her book, The Paleo Thyroid Solution.

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Episode 121: CJ Hunt


Description: Host Elle Russ sits down with CJ Hunt, the writer, producer and host of the break out film hit (and first Paleo documentary), The Perfect Human Diet, and author of the how-to companion guide of the same title. Graduating Summa Cum Laude in Electronic Communication Arts BA Radio /TV from SFSU 2007, CJ has had a career that spanned motocross racing and theme park announcer to over 20 years in broadcasting, with voice-overs, TV host, television and movie actor and author of two previous books on diet and nutrition.

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